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Smoleńsk / Warsaw massacre - the Polish 9 / 11

- Introduction -
- Putin's former advisor admits the official story is bullshit -
- Warning about a possible plane hijacking -
- Security systems turned off at the airport -
- Independent witnesses saw no bodies at the crash site -
- Fake fog -
- Suspicious plane flying around before the crash -
- Faked phone calls -
- Suspicious deaths surrounding the incident -
- Eugeniusz Wróbel -
- Dariusz Szpineta -
- Grzegorz Michniewicz -
- Putting it all together -
- Similarities to 9 / 11 -


April 10, 2010. A national tragedy hits Poland. A plane with the president, his wife, other politicians, military and other important people (list of victims (MozArchive)) on it crashes into a birch tree due to bad flight control tower commands and the pilot's lack of skill. Everyone immediately dies. Or at least, that's what the official story says. As usual, all is not as it seems - so let's dig deep into this incident.

Putin's former advisor admits the official story is bullshit

...On mainstream TV. The youtube video is still in the archives, though youtube itself trashed it for copyright violation. So go grab it if you want to (it's in Polish). Or check out the written version here (archive) (MozArchive). Anyway, here is my translation:

During those years we haven't received a reply from the Russian side. We still don't know why the plane that fell from a height of 50 meters, broke into small pieces on a really wide terrain. As far as we know from other catastrophes at similar heights, there hasn't been a single case where the damage was similar to the one in Smoleńsk.
There hasn't been a case, where the whole crew, all passengers died in such a catastrophe. There are a lot of unanswered questions.
No tree, no birch could have destroyed the wing of such a plane. This is absolutely clear. And that's why we have to know what really happened. We need to keep asking questions. A lot of people have asked the questions to the government, but we don't have the answers.
We also know that the official MAK report contains certain elements, or answers, that have nothing to do with reality, to the conditions at the airport. And yet the plane's wreck is still in Smoleńsk, it still hasn't been transfered to the Polish side. The question appears, why?
And we also remember, that after this tragedy there started appearing "witnesses" of this situation and it turned out that they were agents of the special forces and not real witnesses, and that's why we must understand why it happened.

I put this section first to show that "credible" people deny the official story as well (instead of only "stupid conspiracy theorists"). It does concisely present the main arguments as to why this version is total nonsense. And once we give up the distraction of the magical birch tree, we can move onto determining what really happened - and consider the details that are usually completely ignored by mainstream theories:

Warning about a possible plane hijacking

Literally one day before the flight (archive) (MozArchive):
Z czeskiego Biura systemu SIRENE, funkcjonującego w strefie Szengen, przysłano 9 kwietnia 2010 roku pilną informację o tym, że na jednym z lotnisk na terenie Unii Europejskiej może dojść do ataku na samolot i jego uprowadzenia


On April 9, an urgent piece of information was received from the Czech Republic SIRENE system, functioning in Shengen zone, that one of the airports in EU territory could have a plane hijacked.

Later, it became apparent that the received information was even more specific than thought. Former chief of BOR (Bureau of Government Defense) said this (archive) (MozArchive):

Zgodnie z informacjami, jakie do mnie dotarły, nasze służby otrzymały sygnał od jednego z wywiadów działających na obszarze UE, że może dojść do uprowadzenia jednego z samolotów. Chodziło o samolot z głową państwa jednego z krajów Unii na pokładzie.


According to the information that reached me, our intelligence received a signal from one of the intelligence communities working on EU territory, that there might be a plane hijacking. It was about a plane with a president of one of the EU countries onboard.

Yet they did not even notify all the relevant government institutions:

W tej sprawie rzeczywiście mogliśmy mieć do czynienia z niedopełnieniem obowiązków. Bowiem, jak pisaliśmy, Kancelaria Prezydenta, Kancelaria Premiera oraz BBN nie otrzymały żadnych informacji związanych z ostrzeżeniami.


We could have really been dealing with someone not fulfilling their duties here. As we've said, the President's Office, the Prime Minister's Office, and the BBN [National Security Bureau] did not receive any warnings.

Or do anything else that might have prevented the mass murder:

Jednak, co do dziś budzi zdziwienie, wiadomości te nie miały wpływu na zabezpieczenie lotu z Prezydentem RP na pokładzie. Ten lot odbywał się zaledwie dzień po tym, jak do Polski trafiło ostrzeżenia o zagrożeniu jednego z samolotu na terenie UE. Mimo tak ważnego sygnału - przekazanego do najważniejszych instytucji w Polsce - nie doszło do zwiększenia poziomu zabezpieczenia lotu z 10/04. Co więcej, działania służb w tej sprawie nie spełniły nawet wymagań minimalnych, o czym świadczy fakt, że prokuratura postawiła zarzuty wiceszefowi BOR gen. Pawłowi Bielawnemu właśnie za działania Biura związane z organizacją wylotu.


But what's surprising even today is that these reports haven't affected the security of the president's flight. This flight happened just a day after Poland received the warning about the threat for one of the plane's on EU territory. Despite such an important signal - sent to the most important instutitions in Poland - there hasn't been an increase in the security of the April 10 flight. More than that, the actions of the intelligence community did not even reach the minimum requirements, which is shown by the fact that the prosecutor's office sued the vice-chief of BOR, gen. Paweł Bielawny exactly for the BOR's actions relevant to the flight's organization.

The Polish security services knew about the upcoming mass murder, but yet did not try to prevent it. Meaning they were complicit in the crime. They also denied the connection (archive) (MozArchive) of the warning to the Smoleńsk massacre at all, even though it is obvious:

W sposób mglisty o ostrzeżeniach takich mówił w październiku 2010 roku szef MSW Jacek Cichocki. W RMF FM tłumaczył:


The chief of the Ministry of Internal Issues - Jacek Cichocki - talked in a foggy way about the warnings in October 2010. He explained to RMF FM [radio station]:

Here is what he said:

Przed 10 kwietnia służby zanotowały ostrzeżenia o zagrożeniu dla samolotu Unii Europejskiej, nie łączymy tego z katastrofą prezydenckiego Tu-154 pod Smoleńskiem.


Before April 10, security services noted warnings about the threat to a plane from the EU, we are not connecting it to the catastrophe of the presidental Tu-154 under Smoleńsk.

Security systems turned off at the airport

Also one day earlier. Look (archive) (MozArchive):

„Serwer, do którego schodzą wszystkie logi z tego systemu, znajduje się w Dowództwie Sił Powietrznych. W dniach 9 do 15 kwietnia 2010 r. został odłączony od systemu serwer mieszący się w DSP. (…) nie były rejestrowane (zapisywane) wejścia i wyjścia odbywające się z użyciem bramek z czytnikami elektronicznymi (…) nigdzie w systemie nie tworzyła się historia użytych przepustek” – zeznał jeden z żołnierzy z 36 specpułku.


"The server, which receives all the logs from this system, resides in the Air Force Command Center. From April 9 to 15, 2010, this server was cut off (...). entrances and exits through the gates with electronic readers were not logged (...) nowhere did the system save the history of used passes" - testified one of the soldiers.

This means literally anyone could have entered the airport's protected spaces without being detected. An easy entry opportunity for a plane hijacker.

Independent witnesses saw no bodies at the crash site

Witness 55, Sergiej, taxi driver:

I did not see the plane, but only broken tree branches on the path and people running towards the pieces. There were already an ambulance and firefighters driving through. I left the car, I thought I could still help. I would have driven the victims, if there was a need to. I managed to make photos with my mobile phone. Fog and smoke everywhere. There was the smell of gasoline. So, to understand that there aren't any living, you didn't have to be a doctor, but the bodies themselves weren't seen.

Witness 56, Anonymous, driver and officer:

[...] We were a few tens of metres away from the [plane's] body, a zone of heat was around and there weren't dead bodies. Convinced that walking nearer is risky, we called the ambulance.

Witness 64, Sławomir Wiśniewski, reporter of Polish TV "TVP":

Czy widziałeś zwłoki?

Wiesz, zwłok tego typu jak typowa katastrofa, bo byłem świadkiem tego co się działo w Kabatach, to raczej nie. Ale, że była jakaś potworna ilość zwłok, czy szczątków, jak to przy katastrofach, nic takiego nie widziałem. Może nie zdążyłem tam dojść.


Did you see any corpses?

You know, corpses like from a typical catastrophe, because I saw what happened in Kabaty, I don't think so. But, that there was a big amount of corpses, or parts of them, as it is during catastrophes, I did not see anything like that. Maybe I didn't manage to get there.

Kabaty, by the way, was another plane's crash that he also saw, so he knows how the area after a plane crash should look like. Bodies everywhere, and he did not see that in this case.

Przyznam się szczerze, że ja nie widziałem żadnych zwłok, żadnych szczątków ludzkich. To była jedna masa gruzu. [...] Żadnych ciał nie widziałem. [...] ale to żebym widział na przykład masę ciał ludzkich... to nic takiego nie widziałem. Może po prostu nie zdążyłem dojść, ale wydawało mi się, że to bardziej samolot pusty leciał.


I honestly admit, that I did not see any bodies, no human parts. It was one big mass of rubble. [...] I did not see any bodies [...] but to see any, for example, pile of human bodies... I did not see anything like that. Maybe I didn't manage to get there, but I thought the plane was flying more like empty.
To, że nie widziałem ich pod Smoleńskiem, tylko utwierdziło mnie w przekonaniu, że na pokładzie nie było naszej oficjalnej delegacji. Że samolot wracał już z lotniska z samą załogą.”


The fact that I didn't see them [human parts] at Smoleńsk, only solidified my conviction that there was no delegation on board. That the plane was already coming back with just the crew.

By the way, Wiśniewski's recording is available on youtube, and you can't see any bodies there, either. Oh, and here (archive) (MozArchive) Wiśniewski admits to being the first at the scene:

Był pan pierwszy na miejscu katastrofy?

Tak. Dopiero potem przyjechała straż pożarna.


Were you the first at the crash site?

Yes. Only later the firefighters came.

Witness 75, Vladimir Safonienko, employee at a car repair facility 200 meters away from the airport:

We were near the wreck alone for over a minute. Then from the airport's site the police started running. I did not see any bodies, I did not realize there were so many people on board. I thought it's a military plane. There was the smell of fuel, I understood it's dangerous there.

We were near the wreck alone for over a minute and yet saw no bodyparts as an apparently earliest witness. By the way, Safonienko also recorded a video, where the lack of bodies is confirmed. Now do you not think, that if there was really a plane crash with 96 people in it, one of the independent witnesses would have seen at least a finger lying around? But no one saw anything at all. Now, some witnesses did apparently see human bodyparts - such as Siergiej Antufyev, the governor. But, that account seems compromised to me, since he repeats the everyone died claim - and how could he have known that, when the incident just happened? So again, it stands that the earliest independent witnesses saw no human bodyparts. And so, it is doubtful there were 96 victims killed there - at most a few. That, then, leaves us to explain where all the others have gone. Anyway - since we do have other reasons to suspect that the people have really been killed elsewhere - we should still assume that even those reported bodyparts (if you trust the accounts) were simply brought there later. Edit: it seems that the first bodies started being reported (archive) (MozArchive) only at 13:00 (Dopiero około 13.00 zaczęto wynosić i dokumentować pierwsze zwłoki - Only at about 13:00 the first corpses started being taken out and documented), over 4 hours after the alleged crash. More than enough time to bring them from the real crime scene and throw them around. The first witnesses did not see any bodies, then, because they weren't there. Everything makes perfect sense.

Fake fog

Many witnesses report unnatural, heavy fog right when the Tupolev was supposed to be arriving. This information comes from the document Analysis of 200 witness reports (local) from Antoni Macierewicz's Smoleńsk subcommission (translated to English by me):

Witness 29, Nikolay Bodin:

The fog was such, that you could only see for 10 meters

Witness 35, Anonymous:

I was walking my dog in a field nearby, the visibility in the fog was no more than 50 meters.

Witness 42, Galina, cashier:

I went outside, I heard some noise, I couldn't see the plane - everything was inside milky fog.

Witness 60, Anonymous:

I was driving to work at that time, there was really big fog. You drive your car and can only see for 8 meters

Witness 79, Anonymous, guard of parking lot attached to Smoleńsk North Airport - former onboard mechanic:

This morning I was on duty. At 10:00 [8:00 polish time, 41 minutes before the crash] the fog somehow seriously increased. Around the airport dry grass was burning, and the white smoke ruined the visibility even more.

Russian police:

Meanwhile the Russian police officers mention, that at the moment of the catastrophe, the visibility could be estimated at 2-3 steps, and in some places at hand's length. In their interviews, police officers Vinogradova and Makarova, and three others, rated the visibility at 2 meters on the runway's threshold, and about 50 meters on the other side.

Witness 95, Michail Radgovski, head of weather station at a military base 500 meters west of the crash site:

At 9:06 [7:06 polish time, 1:35 before crash] I saw that the sky started "watering", becoming cloudy. At 9:12 I called the subunit of the military weather station and informed them of the observed changes, then I was given the specific weather forecast: until 10:00 7-12 Celsius, average clouding, small fog, visibility 1.5-2km.
At 9:26 I noticed the weather change, namely clouding, 10 degrees Celsius, layered fog, smoke, visibility 1000m, which is the meteorological minimum for the airport.
I noticed yet another weather change at 9:40 - fog appeared. I immediately informed the subunit, from where I received the warning about strong winds and their duration.

Witness 104, Jerzy Bahr, ambassador of Poland:

When I arrived at the airport, the first sentence of the vice-governor was "The weather is good". I myself would have said that the weather was just acceptable. And that's because it was somewhat dark. But 20-25 minutes later the weather completely changed.
The fog appeared immediately?

Yes. It appeared out of nowhere and immediately and - you could say - it laid directly on the airport. It was a really detectable change, bringing with it the worsening of the weather conditions.

Witness 109, Gerard Kwaśniewski, driver of Bahr:

The fog was so thick, that we could only see the silhouette of the control tower that was 100 meters from us. Minute by minute the fog thickened. Right before the crash the visibility fell to 50-60 meters.

Witness 177, Nina Korolyova:

That night there was a unique fog, almost mythical.I went to the balcony, put my hand out and I couldn't see it. In Smoleńsk such fogs happen often, because the river Dnepr flows through the town and it's humid, but this fog was white like cream. I don't remember if I've ever seen something like that before today.

Witness 189, Alexander Berezinov, local bakery employee:

When I was going to the garage, fog on the street was getting thicker and thicker.
A little after, he [refering to Berezinov] was driving the car. He was surprised that there was unnaturally thick fog on the street.

Artur Wosztyl, pilot of Yakovlev Yak-40 plane, that landed a while before the catastrophe:

After our landing, the visibility reached 1500-2000 meters (9:15 UTM) [7:15 polish time, or 1 hour and 26 minutes before the crash]. Thick fog started appearing right before the Tupolev's arrival and 3 minutes later started disappearing. After that, the april sun came out again.

The exact timing, placement, and the witnesses' emphasis on the unnaturalness shows that the fog was man-made. Why fake it? You can drop fake plane parts without being seen. And you also get an excuse as to why the plane crashed, and can hide the mass murder.

Suspicious plane flying around before the crash

An anonymous witness:

Godzinę przed jego lądowaniem nad lotniskiem było dużo dymu, zamgleń, smogu. Było kilka lotów. Jeden samolot latał od 9:00 nad lotniskiem, potem drugi wylądował, a inny dwa razy miał nieudane podejścia do lądowania. Pamiętam jak inny oficer powiedział mi: „Kurwa, takiej mgły to ja w życiu nie widziałem” i po drugim nieudanym podejściu samolotu powiedział nam dowódca: „Nasz IŁ-76 poleciał do Moskwy. Ale polska załoga też zdecydowała się tu za chwilę lądować. Widzicie jaka jest pogoda, więc jeśli coś się stanie, powiedźcie prasie albo wszystkim, że cztery razy podchodził do lądowania. Bo kto podchodzi w taką pogodę? Ten, kto zszedł z rozumu.” Ja pomyślałem, że samolot polskiego prezydenta, to ten, który krążył nad lotniskiem, ale to zajęło około pół godziny, może godzinę, kiedy ja cały czas słyszałem samolot, a kiedy usłyszałem moc startową, bardzo charakterystyczny dźwięk, pomyślałem, że jednak będzie wszystko w porządku.” „Mieszkańcy przedmieść położonych wokół lotniska, gdzie rozbił się samolot, widzieli, jak w gęstej mgle płatowiec próbował podejść do lądowania niejeden raz.”


One hour before the landing there were a lot of smoke, fog, and smog. There were a few flights. One time, one plane was flying over the airport since 9:00 [7:00 polish time], then the second landed, and another had two failed attempts at landing. I remember another officer telling me "Fuck, I have never seen fog like this", and after the second failed attempt to land our commander told us "Our Ilyushin IL-76 [Russian plane] flew to Moscow. But the Polish crew also decided to land there in a while. You see the weather, so if something happens, tell the media or everyone, that there were 4 landing attempts. Because who attempts in such a weather? The one who lost their mind". I thought that the plane that was circling the airport was the President's, but that took about half an hour, maybe an hour, but I heard plane sounds all the time [presumably since 7:00], and when I heard the starting power, a very specific sound, I thought that everything's going to be alright".

Witness alexlarry:

Dzisiaj rano obudziło mnie o 8:00-8:30 – lądowanie kilku IŁ-ów 76 - sądząc po dźwięku (przez 20 lat życia pod ścieżką podejścia, ich z niczym nie można pomylić).


I was woken up today at 8:00-8:30 by the landing of several ILs-76 - judging by the sound (after living for 20 years near the approach path, you can't mistake them for anything else)

Witness Barbara Włodarczyk:

„Rozmawiałam też z pracownicami salonu samochodowego który mieści się dosłownie kilkadziesiąt metrów od miejsca tragedii. Tam dziewczyny, które pracują w tym salonie widziały, jak samolot 2 godziny krąży i wszystkich to oczywiście bardzo interesowało, wszyscy wyglądali, natomiast dopiero po tragedii dowiedzieli się kto leciał tym samolotem.”


I also talked to the employees of the car salon that is positioned literally a few tens of meters from the crash site. The girls there saw how a plane is circling for two hours and of course everyone was very interested, everyone was watching, but only after the tragedy they've learned who was onboard the plane.

Of course, the Polish plane wasn't circling the airport for two hours, so the witnesses are reporting the Ilyushin. Guess why the IL-76 (archive) (MozArchive) got invented? It was designed to deliver heavy machinery to remote, poorly served areas. It is very likely that the Ilyushin was dropping fake plane parts at the supposed crash site, before it flew away to Moscow. Many witnesses did report a slapping that they thought was a plane falling, but (as far as I can see) in all the 200+ witness reports, not one of them has seen the full plane hitting the ground (or a tree, or anything). That's because it didn't; it was all dropped parts, some of which were later blown up - which explains why some people heard explosions. And the manufactured fog helped to hide all this visually and forced people to rely on the less reliable hearing, which enabled the story about the plane crash.

Faked phone calls

The last moments that we know of Lech's life were the three phone calls he allegedly made. One to his brother Jarosław (archive) (MozArchive):

10 kwietnia o 6 rano Leszek obudził mnie telefonem. Później zadzwonił o 8.20. Myślałem, że już wylądował i dzwoni ze Smoleńska. Bardzo rzadko dzwonił z telefonu satelitarnego z samolotu. Powiedział mi, że z Mamą wszystko w porządku, i poradził, bym się przespał. Pamiętam doskonale, że użył określenia: „bo się rozpadniesz”. (...) Tak wyglądała ta bardzo krótka rozmowa. Dosłownie kilka zdań. Zresztą pamiętam, że zerwało połączenie - relacjonuje prezes PiS.


On April 10, 6'o clock Lech woke me up with his phone. Later he called at 8:20. I thought that he already landed and he's calling from Smoleńsk. Very rarely did he call me from the plane's satellite phone. He told me that everything is alright with the mother, and advised me to go to sleep. I remember perfectly, that he used the phrase "because you will fall apart". That's how the very short conversation looked. Literally a few sentences. I even remember that the call was broken - mentions the prime minister of PiS.
The second call was to his mother's doctor (archive) (MozArchive):
Dokładnie o 8.20, na 21 minut przed smoleńską katastrofą, z pokładu tupolewa prezydent Lech Kaczyński (61 l.) zadzwonił z satelitarnego telefonu do lekarza opiekującego się jego chorą matką. Zapytał się o zdrowie pani Jadwigi.


Exactly at 8:20, 21 minutes before the Smoleńsk catastrophe, president Lech Kaczyński called from the Tupolev's satellite phone to the doctor taking care of his sick mother. He asked about her health.
The third call was to Marta, Lech's daughter. From the book, 96 końców świata (a chronicle of conversations with the families of Smoleńsk's victims), page 9:
Prezydent dzwonił do córki tuż przed katastrofą. dokładnie o godzinie 8.20. Ich ostatnia rozmowa trwała cztery minuty.


The president called his daughter right before the catastrophe, exactly at 8:20. Their last conversation lasted four minutes.
See the pattern yet? Three calls were made at the exact same time of 8:20, which would of course have been impossible if it was a real person calling. None of these calls have ever been denied by their receivers. What does this mean? The calls were obviously pre-recorded by Lech's murderers and played back to the receivers later. Advising his brother to "go to sleep" in the morning - as well as the broken call (it had to be broken, because there was no real person calling) - provide additonal proof.

By the way, there was a phone call to yet another person (archive) (MozArchive) that has also been faked... and at the same time, too. Look:

Izabela Tomaszewska, szefowa Zespołu Protokolarnego prezydenta, z telefonu satelitarnego w tupolewie tuż przed katastrofą dzwoniła do swojego męża.Jak mówi Jacek Tomaszewski, był to stały zwyczaj jego żony. Zawsze, gdy samolot startował, dzwoniła do domu, by o tym poinformować, a po lądowaniu wysyłała SMS-a. Tym razem jednak było trochę inaczej.-Ten telefon, który otrzymałem o 8.19 w sobotę 10. kwietnia, nie był jej. Był to pewnie satelitarny telefon pana prezydenta - mówi w "Faktach" Jacek Tomaszewski. Dodał, że rozmowa nie trwała długo.- Powiedziała mi tylko: jestem w samolocie. Ja na to zadałem pytanie: Dopiero teraz? Przecież mieliście startować o siódmej. Ona już nie odpowiedziała mi na to pytanie, w tle słyszałem jakieś głosy i to wszystko.


Izabela Tomaszewska, the chief of the president's Protocol Team, called her husband from the Tupolev's satellite phone right before the catastrophe. As Jacek Tomaszewski says, this was a constant habit of hers. When a plane started, she always called home to inform about that, and after the landing she sent an SMS. But this time was a little different. This phone call, which I received at 8:19 on Saturday, April 10, wasn't hers [meaning not her own cell phone]. It was most likely the satellite phone of the president - tells Jacek Tomaszewski in "Fakty" [a TV program]. He added that the call did not last long. She just told me "I am on a plane". And then I asked: only now? You were supposed to start at 7 o'clock. She did not answer that question, I heard some voices in the background and that's it.

She did not answer that question, because she couldn't, because she wasn't there. Could the perpetrators have made it any more obvious? Everyone that was alleged to have been onboard the Tupolev has in reality been transfered to another location earlier. Some of them were then forced to record themselves speaking what their captors ordered, and finally they were all killed. After that, the calls were played back to the receivers during the time of the supposed Smoleńsk flight that didn't actually happen at all.

Suspicious deaths surrounding the incident

Eugeniusz Wróbel

From here (archive) (MozArchive):

Jeden z najlepszych w Polsce specjalistów z zakresu komputerowych systemów sterowania lotem samolotów, dr inż. Eugeniusz Wróbel, ginie w nieprawdopodobnych okolicznościach - akcentuje "Nasz Dziennik". Pół roku po katastrofie i na trzy dni przed publikacją przez MAK raportu na temat przyczyn katastrofy na lotnisku Smoleńsk Siewiernyj - zaznacza gazeta.


One of the best Polish specialists in terms of computerized systems of directing plane flights, engineer Eugeniusz Wróbel dies in inexplicable circumstances - tells "Nasz Dziennik" [newspaper]. Half a year after the catastrophe and three days before publication by MAK [Межгосударственный авиационный комитет - International Aviation Commitee] about the causes of the catastrophe at the Smoleńsk North Airport - notes the newspaper.

The murder has been blamed on his son (archive) (MozArchive):

Grzegorz W. miał aktualną wizę USA. Chciał tam pojechał, kupić auto, ale ojciec jakoś nie uważał, by to był dobry pomysł.


Grzegorz W. had a valid USA visa. He wanted to travel there to buy a car, but his father somehow didn't think it was a good idea.

And that's apparently the reason Grzegorz took a chainsaw, cut his father up, and threw him into a lake. What a joke. Obviously he's being used as a patsy, when the crime has been commited by the perpetrators of the Smoleńsk / Warsaw massacre. Or the son has somehow been "convinced" to kill his father, but the first possibility seems more likely. Here's what his sister said:

To niemożliwe, żeby Grześ miał z tym coś wspólnego. Nigdy w to nie uwierzę


It's impossible that Grześ had anything to do with it. I will never believe it

The reason Eugeniusz was killed is that he would have exposed the MAK report that would have come out 3 days later, with his relevant expertise in all things aviation (one of the few such people in Poland). I have not confirmed this, but this blog (archive) (MozArchive) says that Eugeniusz in private communications told how the plane parts seen during the catastrophe were not from the Polish Tupolev 101 (so must have been planted there).

Dariusz Szpineta

Another aviation expert, in this video he tells us a few important things. Namely that every flight has a flight plan document prepared, without which it can't start. And the flight plan of the supposed Smoleńsk flight not only had a typo in one of the flight points - which would get it rejected by the computer - but also pointed to a fake airport. This is not my opinion, but that of an aviation expert, BTW. But my conclusion from this is, that the whole flight was invalid and probably didn't happen as stated. Which means the plane with all the victims went somewhere else - as all the other evidence shows, too. Anyway, Szpineta was killed during vacations (archive) (MozArchive) in India in 2011:

Jak się dowiedziała „GPC”, Dariusza Szpinetę znaleziono powieszonego w łazience. Osierocił dwoje dzieci. Znajomi z 13-osobowej grupy, która pojechała do Indii, mówią, że przed śmiercią był w dobrym nastroju.


As "GPC" (Gazeta Polska Codzennie, a newspaper) managed to learn, Dariusz Szpineta was found hung in the bathroom. He left two kids. Collegaues from the 13-person group that went to India, say that Dariusz was in a good mood before the trip.

So, no publicly visible reason to kill himself, yet he did it anyway. Since it was a hanging, there might have been a threat that he couldn't bear.

Grzegorz Michniewicz

Source for the following information (archive) (MozArchive)

Director of Prime Minister's office died on December 23, 2009, the same day that the Tupolev came back to Poland from repairs (obviously before the crash). He had the highest security clearances, even for the classified documents. It was blamed on a suicide (of course), but the prosecutor's office said this:

Z zeznań szeregu świadków jednoznacznie wynika, iż Grzegorz Michniewicz miał najbliższe dni dokładnie zaplanowane. W dniu 23 grudnia 2009 r. planował bowiem pojechać do Białogardu, aby z żoną i jej rodziną spędzić święta. Wszystkie jego zachowania podejmowane nie tylko w ostatnich dniach, ale także i godzinach życia, wskazywały, iż plan ten chce wypełnić. Wskazuje na to choćby sporządzony przez niego wniosek urlopowy, zakup prezentów czy też podejmowanie jeszcze późnym wieczorem 22 grudnia przygotowania do wyjazdu. Niewątpliwie więc decyzja o popełnieniu samobójstwa podjęta została nagle pod wpływem impulsu


From the testimonies from several witnesses it is clear that Grzegorz Michniewicz had his following days exactly planned. On Decemnber 23, 2009, he planned to go to Białogard, to spend the holidays with his wife and her kids. All his actions taken not only during the last days, but the last hours, suggested, that he wanted to achieve his plans. This is also suggested by - for example - his prepared request for work absence, buying gifts or his preparations for travel decided only the day before.

His co-worker said this:

22 grudnia Grzegorz Michniewicz mówił, że następnego dnia będzie tylko do godz. 14, bo jedzie na święta [....] Według mnie nic kompletnie nie wskazywało na to, że on może pozbawić się życia”.


On December 22, Grzegorz Michniewicz told me, that the next day he will only be around until 14 o'clock, because he's leaving for holidays [...] I think nothing suggested that he wanted to take his life.

Now, this isn't necessarily connected to the Smoleńsk / Warsaw massacre, but is likely to be. After all, one of Grzegorz's last conversations was with Tomasz Arabski, the future organizer of the unfortunate flight, and who knows what they spoke about. Either way, it was not a suicide, for sure.

Putting it all together

The official story can be refuted in a thousand ways, such as the impossible damage by the magical tree and the placement of the wrecked parts. A secondary theory is that the plane blew up before hitting the ground, which resolves the damage and placement, but still cannot account for the lack of bodies seen by independent witnesses, the faked phone calls, the associated deaths, and the errors in the flight plan. Some bloggers (MozArchive) have come up with the theory that there hasn't really been any flight, and that all the relevant people were murdered at the airport or even before getting there. But there had to have been a flight, since we have a video of it that can't be explained in any other way. Killing 96 people, all in different locations, would have also been quite the challenge - especially if stealth was the goal. And so, the only possibility that remains is that the plane (with an already compromised pilot onboard) went somewhere else, where it landed safely. This is where the victims were forced to record themselves talking, so that their recipients could then be called during the time of the (fake) flight in Smoleńsk and have the recordings played back. Then, they were all killed. A Hollywood show was performed after that in Smoleńsk, with a fake fog, fake plane parts, bodyparts brought later from the actual crime scene, fake narrative about pilot error and a magical birch tree, and a fake conflict between Russia and Poland.

In reality this plot had to have been arranged with the participation of both sides, and maybe additional ones. The Polish side ensured that the assassins were able to enter the plane without being logged by turning off the security, and ignored the warning from the Czech SIRENE system. Since then, they have also been running a propaganda campaign shilling the official story and shitting on conspiracy theories. The Russian side - on the other hand - provided the physical place for the fake catastrophe, created the fog, dropped the parts, and later stole the wreck and the corpses so that Poland could pretend to be mad about something. Big bad Russia agrees to take the blame for bad flight control tower commands or other arrangements, while Poland's (or possible third parties') involvement is completely buried. Both sides have also written compromised reports shilling the official version, and distracting from what happened in Warsaw. And this is why I go to great lengths to emphasize the Warsaw in Smoleńsk / Warsaw massacre (unlike everyone else); anything else would shift attention to the circus at Smoleńsk and away from the place the whole thing actually started - and where the collaboration between countries was so beautifully exposed bare.

Anyway, the reason I even wrote this is that I think it's very important, and showcases the tactics of the elites. And it proves that evil has wormed its way into the cores of everything. While American conspiracies like 9 / 11 usually do find their way around here, Polish ones stay in Poland, and I wanted to bring this one to international attention, since I think it's so telling. I've been exploring this incident pretty much since it happened, right from when the TV claimed everyone died when they couldn't have known that yet (hey, another proof it was all planned). And I already have an audience, which is something most of my countrymen can't say. It also seems that most Polish researchers of the Smoleńsk / Warsaw massacre stick to the obscure Polish blogs; I think the low skill in the English language here comes into play, as well. Though I'm still surprised this topic got such low international attention. I mean, a president (plus 95 other people, most in high positions) got killed, and no one cares?! Either way, since I have such a beautiful opportunity to hopefully fix the situation, I'm taking it with this report. Enjoy.

Similarities to 9 / 11

It is scary to think that the same international group might be flying around (and has connections in high places everywhere; media, intelligence, politics, airport security...) executing those events, but that appears to be the case.

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